What is whistleblowing?
Whistleblowing is the process through which individuals who become aware of crimes, violations of laws and regulations, or fraudulent activities in a work context decide voluntarily to report them, bringing them to the attention of the organization itself or the public.
Who are whistleblowers?
Whistleblowers, or reporters, are individuals who report wrongdoing or irregularities they have become aware of in the workplace. In most cases, these are employees of public entities or private companies, but the connection can be less direct: former employees, consultants, volunteers, suppliers, customers, shareholders, stakeholders, and anyone who has come into contact, even temporarily, with the organization can become whistleblowers and benefit from the protections provided.
Exposing illegal activities may expose whistleblowers to the concrete danger of retaliation, and in more severe cases, jeopardize their safety. For this reason, whistleblowers are protected by the law, and Collemassari SpA commits to protecting the identity of whistleblowers, not disclosing their identity or the contents of the report. In this regard, Collemassari SpA has implemented a management, analysis, and treatment system for reports in compliance with Legislative Decree of March 10, 2023, No. 24, implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937, and current privacy regulations, providing secure channels for whistleblowers.
What is the subject of whistleblowing?
As mentioned earlier, whistleblowers report unlawful conduct that harms public interest and/or the organization. Some examples include:
– Violations of environmental protection regulations
– Cases of corruption and financial scandals
– Non-transparent hiring practices and nepotism
– Theft of company-owned goods
Complaints or claims of a personal nature and reports involving colleagues or superiors, usually addressed through different procedures, such as reporting to the human resources department, do not fall under whistleblowing.
To make open reports, an email should be sent to Collemassari SpA:
All employees and suppliers of goods and services of Collemassari SpA have access to a whistleblowing portal for anonymous reports:
What happens after making a report?
All reports under Legislative Decree of March 10, 2023, No. 24, implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937, will be addressed within seven days of receipt. For open or non-anonymous reports, Collemassari SpA will provide acknowledgment of the report while ensuring maximum confidentiality regarding the reporter’s identity and the subject of the report.
For all reports, regardless of the channel or nature (anonymous or open), the appointed control committee will initiate an inquiry for verification and analysis, concluding within a maximum of three months. At the end of the inquiry, the control committee will inform the reporter (if open) of the results and any consequent measures, ensuring maximum confidentiality regarding the reporter’s identity.
For any other needs or requests for information, we remain at your complete disposal.
Thank you!